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Temperature in the Workplace

Heat-health alerts have been issued this week as temperatures soar across the UK.

Make sure you have the right advice and guidance to work safely in hot weather.

For more information visit the HSE temperature in the workplace website

Is it too hot to work?

There's no law for maximum working temperature, or when it's too hot to work. In offices or similar environments, the temperature in workplaces must be reasonable.

Employers must stick to health and safety at work law, including:

  • keeping the temperature at a comfortable level, sometimes known as thermal comfort

  • providing clean and fresh air

Our CANOPY Safety online thermal comfort checklist can help you identify whether there may be a risk of thermal discomfort in your workplace.

Employees should talk to their employer if the workplace temperature isn't comfortable. The HSE have further guidance on what you can do to feel more comfortable

Working safely in hot conditions

It is important to remember the risks of overheating when working in hot conditions, whether you are inside or outdoors.

The HSE website has practical guidance on what you can do to manage the risks, including:

  • Information on factors that can lead to heat stress, and how to reduce the risk of it occurring

  • Managing outdoor working environments


Tuesday 30th July 2024 was the hottest day of the year so far as a heatwave continues to affect large parts of the UK.

Met Office measuring stations in both Heathrow and Kew Gardens, south-west London, reached 32C (90F) earlier - exceeding the 31.9C recorded in the centre of the city on 19 July.

London, southern England and south-eastern Wales are expected to meet the official criteria for a heatwave this week. However, the hot weather may be short-lived - with a yellow alert for thunderstorms issued by the Met Office across large parts of both nations later in the week.

A Yellow Heat Health Alert has been issued for all areas of England - except for the North East and North West - by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA). This is the second of four tiers of alerts - below amber and red - and means the heat is "unlikely to impact most people" but could affect the elderly and vulnerable.


Top ways for staying safe when the heat arrives are:

  • look out for those who may struggle to keep themselves cool and hydrated – older people, those with underlying conditions and those who live alone are particularly at risk

  • stay cool indoors by closing curtains on rooms that face the sun – and remember that it may be cooler outdoors than indoors

  • drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol

  • never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals

  • check that fridges, freezers and fans are working properly

  • try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm, when the UV rays are strongest

  • walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat, if you have to go out in the heat

  • avoid physical exertion in the hottest parts of the day

  • make sure you take water with you if you are travelling

  • take care and make sure to follow local safety advice if you are going into the water to cool down

  • check medicines can be stored according to the instructions on the packaging


More information on the common signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke are available on NHS.UK.

UKHSA’s Beat the heat checklist identifies suitable actions people can take to protect themselves during periods of hot weather.


Stay safe, stay positive and please remember that KVF are here to assist you.

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